ESTAS senior management has prepared its vision, mission, policy and values, which determine its purpose regarding quality and which are also the cornerstones of strategic planning, taking into account the expectations and needs of the customers. ESTA's senior management, determined vision, mission and values; It ensures that quality objectives are used as a reference for establishing and reviewing, communicated and understood within the organization, and reviewed for appropriateness. ESTAŞ undertakes to comply with the requirements of the quality management system and to constantly review and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the system.
Our Vision
To maintain our leading position on a national scale and to be the first preferred company on an international scale.
Our Mission
To produce the camshaft and its co-working parts with the quality that meets the customer expectations, on time, at the appropriate market price.
Our Values
Respect for the customer,
Being a team,
Taking quality as priority,
Respect for people,
Equal Opportunity,
Respect for the environment and nature,
Social responsibility,
Partnership with suppliers,
Taking personal responsibility,
Openness, transparency.
Our quality policy
Ensuring the highest level of customer satisfaction and trust,
Continuous improvement of the quality management system,
product quality and processes,
Production of competitive products in international market conditions,
Every job done right the first time and consistently,
Continuous training of all employees,
It is the execution of activities in accordance with legal requirements, regulations and customer requirements.