Approximately 2500 different camshaft types are produced in our Machining Factory. Our product camshaft production is realized as an average of 150,000 units per month. Our Machining Factory consists of Turning Department, Milling Department, Grinding Department and Heat Treatment Departments. In our manufacturing factory, 3 different production methods are used as Casting Cam Shaft Machining, Steel Cam Shaft Machining and Assembled Cam Shaft Production. Our dimensional camshaft machining capacity varies between 100 mm and 1000 mm in the casting process and between 100 mm and 3000 mm in the steel machining method. In the Heat Treatment Department of our Machining Factory, in addition to the induction and cementation processes of the camshafts, as well as the hardening processes, coating processes are also carried out on the camshafts. As manufacturing employees, our aim is to produce the most suitable camshaft for the customer in terms of quality in the shortest possible deadlines.